Partner with Nature.

Partner with Us.

How can ecosystem restoration and enhancement decarbonize industry and buildings?

Heat: The leading source of greenhouse gas emissions

Thermal energy – heat – is the largest energy market in the world. It represents half of energy demand in the US and two-thirds of energy demand in Canada.

Most of this thermal energy is used to manufacture the products and food our society demands, to heat the buildings we live and work in, and to warm the water we use in everyday life.

Industrial Process Heat

Building Heat

District Energy Systems



Arbreland lowers energy costs for industry, buildings, and communities without any capital investment by heat consumers.

We work with investors, municipalities, and indigenous communities to source private and public capital for project development.

By fuel switching to an Arbreland HaaS project for heat supply, consumers are able to meet ESG and climate goals.

Deliver on your sustainability commitments

Arbreland delivers renewable heat with no capital investment by existing heat consumers. But we also provide a transparent operations and data platform that allows companies and municipalities to verify heat purchases are consistent with their climate and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.

Collaborative Development

Arbreland works on behalf of investment and community partners to develop long-lived real assets.

We do not own projects and we do not charge consulting fees. Our compensation is tied to the continued successful operation of renewable heat projects, ensuring our priorities are aligned with those of our partners

Some of our partners, including municipalities and indigenous communities, lack the necessary capital for investment. We work on their behalf to secure grant funding to support their ownership in a project.

Real Asset Investors


Indigenous Communities

Timberland Owners

Green Bonds

Community Co-operatives